I would like to take this opportunity to welcome and thank you and your family for trusting me to be a part of your health care.
As part of your care, I will tailor a program to suit your individual needs. As well as Chiropractic adjustments we will look at any nutritional and emotional needs (if appropriate) and rehabilitation exercises may also be prescribed.
I feel that patient education is extremely important. If patients understand as much as possible about their own health, they will experience greater results with their Chiropractic care. Whilst my first goal is to reduce and resolve your pain, I also want to support you on a journey of optimal overall health if you so desire.
Due to guidelines enforced by our regulatory bodies Chiropractors are unable to advertise your testimony of our great work. Should I meet or exceed your expectations I would greatly appreciate your personal referral to friends and family. I would love to help them achieve the same results and I thank you in advance for spreading the word of me; Terri Soper Chiropractor + Mind Body Mentor.
Just like you, I am a little unique… I trust you will learn about your health and wellbeing and enjoy as I share ideas and support you to embark on your health journey to create balance your mind + body + soul.
With heartfelt regards,
Terri Soper
Chiropractor + Mind Body Mentor

What to Expect
First Visit- Initial Consultation (45mins- $120)
The Confidential Patient Information Form, History & Examination
I ask for a lot of personal information in this form. The more I know about your health history and presenting complaint, the better able I am to help you.
My detailed examination includes neurological, orthopaedic, postural and other tests. I use this information to highlight any neurological dysfunction and rule out any serious conditions that may require referral to another practitioner.
Your 1st Adjustment
I use a variety of Chiropractic techniques; each is specifically selected to achieve the best outcome for you. You may experience manual adjustments (if you choose), low force instrument adjustments, soft tissue work as well as the use of vibration massage therapy.
You are unique and your body has its own distinctive reaction pattern. Some patients find that relief is immediate, some feel no change and others may experience a return of symptoms. The important thing is to keep the communication open and to let me know IMMEDIATELY if you have any concerns or questions.
Second Visit- Report of Findings (30mins- $95)
Report of Findings
Before we start your care, I believe it is vitally important that you understand what we are doing and the intent behind it. At this second appointment we will review any imaging you have had. This allows us to see any potential underlying spinal conditions and the ability to make a more informed decision regarding your care plan. My recommendation of care will be presented at this visit; I may also recommend; dietary advice, emotional support and rehabilitation exercises if required.
Subsequent Visits
Standard Consultations (15mins- $75)
Chiropractic Treatment
Extended Consultations (30mins- $95)
Chiropractic + NET Treatment
Long Consultation (1hr-$130)
Complex Chiropractic + NET Treatment
Progress Examination (30mins- $95)
After a series of subsequent visits, I will assess your progress so far by asking you to complete a survey & repeating the examination from your initial consultation. This enables us to chart your progression so that we can clearly see how your body has improved. After the progress examination you will receive a Chiropractic adjustment also.
Progress Report- given on your next Subsequent Consultation
On this visit I will provide you with a report that documents your progress of your care so far. It will also highlight areas of improvements and focus. Here I will give further recommendations regarding your diagnosis and care plan.
Allied Health Care Plans are accepted and a gap payment does apply.
DVA and WorkCover Referrals are also accepted.
Additional Services
As well as Chiropractic Care I offer additional services that may complement and enhance your healing journey with me.
Neuro Emotional Technique
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a remarkable body/mind process that uses muscle testing, like kinesiology, to release unresolved stresses held within the body. If we are in a weakened state due to poor nutrition, stress or physical trauma, everyday stress responses may not resolve naturally. Later in our lives when we experience a similar situation, the old response pattern can kick in. NET can help identify the unresolved events (real or perceived) and uses kinesiology to release the retained charge.
The Root Cause Protocol
The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) was developed by Morley Robbins, who transformed a career in the mainstream medical industry into a quest to learn the fundamental components of a healthy metabolism. The RCP is the culmination of his many years of research and is revolutionary in its approach to health from a truly holistic perspective, by looking at the whole organism and how all the elements work together, rather than limiting the focus to isolated nutrients or conditions.
The RCP works by restoring balance to the key minerals – magnesium, copper and iron – that must work together in order to optimize energy and increase vitality.
These services will be incorporated into your care based on you goals and health needs. Please don’t hesitate to ask further questions should the arise.
Practice Policies
Appointment Scheduling / Missed Appointments
Adherence to Care Plan is Crucial to Your Treatment Success
I will design a personalised care plan to based on you examination findings. It is recommneded that you adhere to your specific schedule of care as discussed in your Report of Findings. To guarantee you get your preferred treatment day/time we ask that you pre-schedule your appointments.
Missed Appointments Need to be Made up
It is important to note that your progress may be affected if you miss scheduled appointments. Adjustments are unique, each treatment builds upon the last therefore, it’s in your best interest to maintain your schedule of care. If an appointment must be changed, 24 hours’ notice is appreciated although we understand that on occasion emergencies do occur. If an appointment is cancelled within 12 hours of the booking or you do not attend- the full fee is still payable.
Repeatedly Missing Appointments
Patients who repeatedly miss appointments will regretfully be discharged from our Clinic as we have a duty of care to ensure our recommendations are followed and progress is achieved.
Financial Agreements
Payment is required in advance or on the day of treatment, no outstanding accounts will be held. If a financial problem arises, please speak openly with me. Medical fund rebates are available to be claimed via our HICAPS facility. Our clinic accommodates for patients requiring Work Cover, Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and Allied Health Care Plan treatments (Gap payment applies)
Privacy Statement
To ensure your privacy with Terri Soper Chiropractor + Mind Body Mentor, we adhere strictly to the National Privacy Principles of the Commonwealth of Australia privacy legislation.
Your health information is collected by us only with your consent and as necessary for the proper and effective treatment of your condition. Health information about you will not be released to any other party including other treating providers without your consent.You may review your health information with me at any time and are entitled to access your health records for this purpose. If you have any concerns about confidentiality of your information, please feel welcome to discuss these with me.
Fee Structure
Initial Consultation $120
History, Examination, Chiropractic Treatment- 45mins.
Standard Consultation $75
Chiropractic Care- 15 mins
Extended Consultation $95
Chiropractic Care & NET- 30 mins
Long Consultation $130
Complex Chiropractic Care & NET- 1hr
Progress Examination $95
Re-examination & Chiropractic Care- 30mins
How to Best Work Together
Like any relationship, it is great to understand each other’s expectations. I realise that a relationship built on honesty and respect is always the best one. If there are any concerns regarding any of these points, I would be happy to discuss these with you.
What you can Expect from me
I promise to listen and answer all your questions. If we cannot do so during the treatment time, I will arrange an out of consultation call so that you can be heard or have your questions answered.
I promise to give you the best treatment possible, this is irrespective if you are having the first or last appointment of the day.
I will do my very best to keep the waiting time to a minimum- from time to time there can be very acute/complex cases that need more attention/time, I will endeavour to let you know if there will be a significant delay prior to your arrival.
What I Expect from you
If there is anything that troubles you, be sure to let me know. I always like to make sure that everyone feels comfortable.
I ask that you finalise your bill on the day of your consultation as I don’t hold accounts.
I appreciate your commitment to keep your appointments. If something arises that prevents you from coming in, be sure to let me know so that we can do our best to accommodate you.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is the largest drug free, primary health care profession in the western world. It is based on the scientific fact that the human body is both self-regulating and self-healing; it is the control of brain, spinal cord and nerve function that allows this. Chiropractic is a proactive, non-invasive approach to enhance health and well-being by adjusting joints/tissues of the body to effect/stimulate the nervous system to enhance its function. For health and vitality our nervous system needs to function without distortion or interference. The bones of the skull, spine and pelvis protect the delicate pathways that make up the nervous system. Restrictions of these bones may alter nerve function and may impact normal healthy body function.
What are your qualifications as a Chiropractor?
Chiropractors have five years of professional medical training, resulting in a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree. They study the structure and function of the spine and how it effects health and disease.
How can ongoing Chiropractic Treatment help me, even after my pain has gone?
Symptoms of pain are only a small portion of the overall issue. Other than relieving pain, the focus of Chiropractic Care is to ensure that maximum neurological function and health expression is achieved. This may be noticed in improved strength, energy, better concentration and focus, emotional stability, restful sleep and slowing down the degeneration process, to list just a few.
Why do I need to come in frequently?
Many of your health issues have developed over months/years without obvious symptoms and correction can take time. Your nervous system requires consistent regular input to ensure that neurological changes are made optimally so your body learns to maintain these adaptations.
Why are the sessions so short in duration?
During your initial and report of findings visits extensive time was spent evaluating, examining and planning. I have carefully prepared a specific plan of care to optimally assist your body to heal. Since the adjustment themselves do not take long to perform, my expertise lies in choosing the adjustments that will produce the most significant and lasting effect for your health and wellbeing. This is similar to taking a nutritional supplement, administration may only take a second, however the effects may well last in your body for days/hours after its consumption.
Does it hurt?
In most cases, not at all. In fact, many people find having an adjustment very relaxing. With some adjustments you may sometimes feel or hear a popping sound from your joints. This is simply caused by a gas release from the joint as spinal movement is restored.
I do provide more gentle options such as a hand-held instrument, an activator, and pelvic blocks.
My goal as a Chiropractor is to find and deliver the most efficient adjustment/correction with maximum comfort. Everybody responds differently to a Chiropractic adjustment. Please make sure you contact me should you have any concerns.
Are there any risks?
Yes, as with any form of health care, there are some risks. Some people feel slight soreness following their first few adjustments as their body begins to re-align. This is usually very mild and only last for a short time.
There is also a very rare risk of infrequent strain/injury to a ligament or disc in the neck (less than 1 in 139,000) or low back (1 in 62,000).
There is also an extremely rare risk of stroke associated with adjustments of the neck which all published studies agree is extremely low. Research published in 2001 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal puts such an event at 1 in 5.85 million adjustments. To put things in perspective, if you drive your car to see me then you have a greater chance of being injured in a car accident than from Chiropractic Care.
Why do I need to have progress exams?
Progress exams enable us to subjectively and objectively assess your progress to ensure that we are on the right track. This helps in making your treatments more effective to help you save time and money.